Computer Stress - Control ALT Deleting Got You Down?


To spin an old saying to fit today's time, "computers, you can't live with them and you can't live without them." The fact is that the technology boom is still going on and there's no end in sight. Computer stress is affecting more and more people and their ability of building self-confidence in new technologies.

Changing Too Fast

With all the new computers and programs constantly hitting the market it can be hard to keep up. You are constantly expected to learn how to use all of it within a short amount of time and actually be proficient at it. In the meantime you are expected to keep your work files confidential, yet it seems that hackers are constantly breaking into company after company.

When you are at home you may have to vie with the rest of the family for computer. Worst of all, imagine trying to work from home with a little one running around and pulling cords while you are waiting for the dial up Internet to actually load a page once every five minutes.

Sound stressful? Don't worry. Believe it or not there are many of us who face some degree of any combination of these scenarios every day. Computer related stress is very real and many people require some level of medical treatment due to putting up with it on a daily basis.

Plug And Play Society

As technology has improved so has the means to install it onto your home and work computers. Most pieces of hardware simply require plugging them into the CPU and rebooting your computer. Well, that is what the experts say anyhow. Those of us in the trenches know better than this.

As anyone that has installed their printer drivers six or more times in a row hoping desperately that it was the last can tell you it is just not that easy. It can be very stressful having to deal with the constant hardware and software updates and the issues that invariably follow.

What is important is that you find a way to ease some of the stress off your shoulders. If you are dealing with the problem at work then try and find out whether your IT department should install new hardware or software. If it is your responsibility then find out if any of your co-workers have any experience with that particular item or something similar.

If you are dealing with one at home then you might consider checking the Internet for installation tips. There are many tech sites now that cater to the beginner and are more than happy to offer tips and instructions.

Somewhere Short Of Light Speed

Another stressful situation is centered around your Internet connection speed. Believe it or not road rage also applies to the information superhighway as well as on the physical road. The longer it takes you to get from site to site the more upset you can become. It can be very stressful even when doing something as simple as checking your email.

If you catch yourself getting frustrated by your slow connection then you have a couple options. Either you can go back to the Stone Age or you can consider upgrading your Internet service. Dial-up has now become slow enough to be rendered practically ineffectual. You might think about switching to either DSL or cable Internet as a way of easing your need to speed.

This can make a big difference between knocking out a large chunk of the surfing you have been wanting to do and biting someone's head off because they interrupted you while you are waiting on your computer to finish loading the page it has been working on for the past ten minutes.

No matter what part of it is causing the problem computer stress is a very real issue in today's society. It is not going away Get it from here  unless you plan on moving out to the middle of nowhere and swearing off all technology. We all know that this is not a viable option so the important thing is to learn how to deal with the stress before it gets us down.


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